Your Christmas List – of Songs to Sing

It may seem too soon to think about Christmas music, but it’s not! There are about 6 weeks until we step into December. If you are responsible for planning a special Christmas program or service then you need to get to work now. If you’re responsible for choosing and preparing a Christmas song for a church service in December then it’s time to start browsing and choosing which song you will sing. Here are a few suggestions…

Christmas Program Suggestions

There are not many weeks left before we will be right in the middle of the Christmas Season. As it approaches, our “to-do” list will get longer and longer. Let’s make the decision now not to get overwhelmed by the rush of the season. Make preparations now so you won’t have so much to do at the last minute. Focus on what’s really important and let the other things go. You may have the responsibility of putting together a Christmas program or you may just need to choose one song to sing for a Sunday in December. Either way we are here to assist…

Christmas Eve Communion Service Songs

Does your church have a Christmas Eve Communion Service? I know of many churches that do and the services are usually packed full. Most people, even those who don’t normally go to church, will try to get to a Christmas Eve service. If your church is having one and you need to find a song to sing for that particular service…

Last-Minute Christmas Songs

You are probably well on your way to learning all of the songs that you will be singing over the next few weeks for special Christmas programs and celebrations. In fact, you may have been rehearsing for weeks and now is the time to sail through. You could sing those songs in your sleep! Good for you for being prepared. I would love to hear what you are planning to sing. But sometimes plans change and you may have just gotten a last minute call…

Yes, You’re Singing, But are You Effective?

Point blank question: Do you think that your music ministry is an effective ministry? Before you answer, let me share a sweet story with you.Some time ago I received a phone call from an older lady in my church. She had a terminal illness and was in her last days on earth. She wanted to talk with me about her funeral service, and the music she wanted sung. Struggling to speak, she began to list song after song that the singers in my church have sung over the past few years…

Enthusiasm – Get Some

I have a word; I want to share it with you. Enthusiasm. The Lord put this on my heart after watching a young lady minister through song in a recent church service. She stood before the congregation to sing, and she burst with enthusiasm. Her love and zeal for the Lord combined with the enthusiastic worship she poured from deep within filled her music…

Get Poured Into Before Pouring Out

Have you ever reached into your refrigerator to grab a pitcher of cold water only to find that someone put the pitcher back in the refrigerator empty? You turn it upside down, but only a few drops drip out. An empty pitcher can’t refill itself. It must be poured into before pouring out. Now, let me ask you this question: Have you ever felt like that empty pitcher? Are you continually being asked to pour out but are feeling a bit empty inside? As a servant of the Lord in the music ministry…

Don’t Get Ready to Sing Inside Out

You’re scheduled to sing and you’ve been rehearsing your song. Vocally you are ready. And now you’re standing at your closet door trying to choose the right outfit for your performance. You want to look just right. As you settle on an outfit and pick out your shoes, you feel a tugging at your heart…