Ready or Not, Here I Go Sing

Have you ever gone to church thinking you were going to just enjoy sitting in the congregation, but you soon found yourself standing on the stage singing the special music? It was supposed to be your Sunday off from singing, but the scheduled singer was sick and you were asked to step up to sing instead.

One of my jobs as the worship leader at my church is to schedule the special music for each service. I have a master calendar and try to plan ahead. But when it comes down to it, the plan always changes – especially if it’s written in ink!

I dread to hear my cell phone ring early on a Sunday morning. That can’t be good news! The singer scheduled to sing is sick or their baby is sick or life has thrown in some unforeseen circumstances that is keeping them from being able to sing. So, my point in all of this? Singers, always have a song ready. Keep an accompaniment track in your car. You never know when you go to church that you may need to step in and cover for the scheduled singer who had to cancel at the last minute.

The Bible is full of exhortations to believers to always be prepared, to be diligent, and to be ready to serve. I love the verse in 1 Peter 3:15 that tells us as believers we should always be prepared to give an answer to those who may ask about our faith. Always be prepared. As singers, we can take that and apply it to our music. God has placed each of us in the music ministry to serve the Body of Christ through music – music that draws people to Jesus, that encourages them to grow in their faith, lifts up honor and glory to our Savior and God.

With this wonderful calling comes responsibility. So, singers, always be prepared. Have a song ready at all times. You never know when you will need to fill in for someone at the last minute. Take I Peter 3:15 to heart – always be prepared to share your faith with others. And always be ready to sing about your faith. Always be prepared!