It’s Not Time to Coast – Walk by Faith

We musicians went through a busy December didn’t we? You may be tempted to just put it on autopilot and coast through the next few weeks, right?

But, it’s a brand new year. And along with it comes fresh beginnings, new starts, ideas and dreams for this New Year! You may have a “New Years Resolutions” list that you hope to conquer this year. The beginning of a new year is always a good time to take a good look at yourself and prayerfully move forward.

I have a thought for you to consider as we move into 2015. God’s Word calls us to walk by faith. That phrase is a common “Christian” phrase and it’s thrown around so much that it may have lost its impact. For some, walking by faith may equate to completely taking your hands off, no responsibility or ownership.

Here’s what I want you to consider: Walking by faith involves feet and action. It’s not about just sitting and waiting. It’s about moving forward, prayerfully.

So here’s an example: You’ve been praying about getting more involved in the music ministry at your church. You would really like to sing more specials on Sunday morning. But so far, nothing has opened up. Then you did get a call about helping out with the music for children’s church. Maybe “walking by faith” would mean putting feet to that prayer. Or, contact the music minister at your church and let him or her know that you have a song ready and would love to sing. You can also ask if you could get a song ready to sing in the Easter program. We have a huge selection of Easter tracks for you to choose from. And it’s not too soon to start preparing for that. Ask how else you could get involved. Then jump in and help with children’s church – recognizing it as an opportunity that has opened up.

Walking by faith, putting feet and action to your faith, may lead you to sing a solo even though you’re extremely nervous, or respond to a new opportunity that totally took you by surprise. There’s no formula to follow. It’s just putting feet and action into your faith.

I love this phrase found in the middle of Hebrews 12:1-2 that says, “Let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus…” (ESV) Now there’s a clear description of walking by faith. It says to deal with any sin habits in your life and “run with endurance” with your eyes on Jesus.

So as we walk into 2015 let’s make it our goal to walk by faith. Put those feet into action! Jump on the opportunities that open up for you to sing. Walking by faith involves feet, legs and action, following the Lord, with your eyes fixed on Him!