Sing Some Old Gold

Do you have a song that you use to sing in church that was labeled as “your song?” You sang it with conviction because of the work God had done in your heart through that song. And, every time you sang it, people were blessed. Still today, you receive requests to sing that song again. However, even though you’ve moved on to newer songs, there’s that one song from the past…

Let’s Choose a New Song

How do you choose what song to sing when you’re scheduled to sing? Do you go to your set list and choose one you haven’t done in a while or do you look for a new track to purchase? Most singers build a set list to pull from. That’s a smart way to have a song to grab quickly if you need to sing at the last minute. But too often we get stuck in our particular genre of music and stop thinking outside of our set list. Is that you? If so, then it’s time to choose a brand new song…

When Have You Rehearsed Enough?

How do you know when you’ve rehearsed enough? Let’s say you’re two weeks away from your scheduled performance. Do you rehearse several times a day, once a day, a few times a week or do you cram at the last minute to get a song ready? Do you “eat, sleep and drink” your song or do you wait until the night before and try to figure out what to sing? I love how God has made musicians similar in so many ways and yet so different. Everyone has his or her own “rehearsal style”…

Know Your Vocal Range

If you’re a singer you are carrying around an instrument uniquely created for you. No one else sounds just like you. God has entrusted to you an instrument to use for His honor and glory. To make the most of these pipes God has given you, you should know your instrument well…

Your Christmas List – of Songs to Sing

It may seem too soon to think about Christmas music, but it’s not! There are about 6 weeks until we step into December. If you are responsible for planning a special Christmas program or service then you need to get to work now. If you’re responsible for choosing and preparing a Christmas song for a church service in December then it’s time to start browsing and choosing which song you will sing. Here are a few suggestions…

Christmas Program Suggestions

There are not many weeks left before we will be right in the middle of the Christmas Season. As it approaches, our “to-do” list will get longer and longer. Let’s make the decision now not to get overwhelmed by the rush of the season. Make preparations now so you won’t have so much to do at the last minute. Focus on what’s really important and let the other things go. You may have the responsibility of putting together a Christmas program or you may just need to choose one song to sing for a Sunday in December. Either way we are here to assist…